Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

The Asia Pacific 2018 Regional Management Meeting is a closed door session organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the leaders and top management.

The conference was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan where he delivered a keynote address as well as sat down for a panel discussion.

Spanning over 3 days at the Singapore Hilton, the conference consisted of keynote addresses as well as Livestreaming from Singapore.

The Challenge

Communication: Language barrier with the client based in Bangkok.

Venue Space: Working with the Hilton’s venue space, the Ballroom has 2 pillars which may block the visibility of guests.

Audio Visual: There were multiple functions for the LED wall and one of which was to livestream the conference from Singapore to New York. There was a request to stream the audience from Singapore so that the speaker is able to see the Singapore-based participants.

How We Helped

  • LED Wall
  • Audio Systems
  • Visual Systems
  • Landscape
  • Event Management
  • Space Concept and Design
  • Lighting Design
  • Live Stream

What We Delivered

Communication: During the preparation of the conference, Compass flew to Bangkok to meet with the organisers. With this, instructions were delivered concisely and ensuring there are no mis-communication.

Venue Space: A clever use of televisions and live feed as well as placement of the tables, guests were able to see the presentations without any visual blockage.

Audio Visual: By leveraging on our technical knowledge, Compass was able to livestream successfully to NYC as well as providing the speaker with a view of the local audience. There were multiple templates for the layout of the presentations which were made possible as well.